Erdogan încearcă să coaguleze revolta lumii musulmane

Ultima actualizare:

În urmă cu câteva ore a apărut comunicatul final al reuniunii extraordinare de la Istanbul Organizaţiei Islamice de Cooperare (OIC) întrunită la chemarea urgentă a preşedintelui Erdogan.

Au fost prezenţi, printre alţii, liderii din Afganistan, Azerbaidjan, Bangladesh, Indonezia, Iordania, Palestina, Guineea, Sudan, Togo şi Yemen, prim-miniştrii din Djibouti, Malaezia şi Pakistan, vice-prim ministrul Omanului, secretarul de stat din Insulele Comore, preşedinţii Parlamentelor kazah şi uzbek.

Era foarte aşteptat acest comunicat final deoarece existau încă până azi dimineaţă oarecare dubii asupra posibilităţii ca cele 57 de state membre ale organizaţiei reprezentative pentru întreaga lume musulmană să-şi poată acorda poziţiile şi a transmite astfel un mesaj unitar care să semnifice o posibilă deschidere de prăpastie profundă cu relaţiile cu Israelului şi cu SUA pe tema Ierusalimului.

Astfel, comunicatul final arată că ţările membre OIC „resping şi condamnă în modul cel mai ferm termenii deciziei unilaterale a Preşedintelui SUA care recunoaşte Ierusalimul drept aşa-numită capitală a Israelului, puterea de ocupaţie“. În acelaşi timp, se cere la modul insistent ca „toate statele lumii să recunoască Statul Palestina precum şi Ierusalimul de est drept capitala sa aflată acum sub ocupaţie“. Cele 57 de State Membre ale OIC mai afirmă şi că „sunt gata ca, în cazul în care Consiliul de Securitate nu este în stare să ia măsuri“ împotriva „gravelor violări“ pe care le presupune decizia americană privind Ierusalimul, „să pună problema pe agenda Adunării Generale“.


Formulare inspirată în mod evident din discursul inaugural ţinut de Preşedintele Erdogan care a afirmat că decizia privind Ierusalimul luată de omologului său american reprezintă nici mai mult, nici mai puţin decât o ameninţare directă la adresa întregii omeniri, asta inclusiv SUA. Nu a ezitat să definească Israelul drept o autoritate „de ocupaţie“ şi „teroristă“, spunând că decizia lui Trump a reprezentat „aproape o recompensă“ pentru Israel şi „acţiunile sale teroriste“.

În plus, Erdogan a lăudat ţările care au refuzat să accepte mişcarea anunţată de Trump: „Doar Israelul, ţară care ocupă Ierusalimul, sprijină SUA şi acţiunea sa ilegitimă. Mulţumim ţărilor care nu au acceptat această decizie ilegitimă... greşită, provocatoare şi afara legislaţiei internaţionale“.


Sigur că un asemenea punct de vedere era oarecum aşteptat şi previzibil, în acord cu poziţiile anterioare şi ele extrem de virulente ale Preşedintelui Turciei care încearcă să se poziţioneze acum nu numai în liderul unei de raliere internaţională în jurul poporului palestinian, ci al unui protest integrat al lumii musulmane împotriva sionismului şi al SUA.

Întrebarea era dacă principalii lideri ai lumii arabe şi musulmane îi vor împărtăşi poziţia după ce trecuseră primele momente ale reacţiei de prim moment care inflamase spaţiul Orientului Apropiat şi nu numai. Iată de ce cu mare interes a fost aşteptată intervenţia suveranului iordanian Abdullah al II-lea, unul dintre aliaţii cheie ai SUA şi NATO în zonă.

Mişcarea făcută de SUA este realmente primejdioasă. Suntem siguri că ea va afecta atât pacea cât şi stabilitatea... Deciziile privind Ierusalimul sunt foarte primejdioase şi vor avea consecinţe asupra drepturilor poporului palestinian..“ - a afirmat suveranul haşemit. Şi a mai adăugat şi că orice încercare de a schimba în grabă statutul arabilor, musulmanilor şi creştinilor „nu va face decât să alimenteze terorismul şi extremismul“.

Din acest moment apar câteva întrebări.

Prima este dacă a şti dacă toată această mişcare, depăşind cu mult problema strictă a Palestinei, va reuşi, dincolo de declaraţii şi discursuri, să mobilizeze cu adevărat strada, să se constituie ca un detonator real şi eficace pentru o revoltă musulmană în primul rând împotriva Israelului, dar cu ţinta finală Statele Unite ale Americii.

A doua întrebare este dacă, dimpotrivă, această suită de declaraţi şi chiar şi acest Comunicat final pe care-l puteţi acces direct în finalul articolului, nu sunt tocmai o încercare disperată de a opri o asemenea evoluţie la nivel de masă şi care să se transforme rapid într-o mişcare incontrolabilă, cu efecte de tip „Primăvara arabă“, dar, de data asta, reformulată în termenii de „Nouă revoluţie arabă“.

A treia întrebare priveşte implicaţiile de securitate ale situaţiei actuale şi ale unor evoluţii care să ducă la conflicte majore. Poate nici nu este nevoie de realitatea unor asemenea conflicte, numai spaima că ele sunt dincolo de o uşo care acum se întredeschide, poate duce la noi tipuri de alianţe şi, în primul rând, la căutarea unuia sau a mai mulţi noi protectori regionali. Îndestul de puternici pentru a compensa o eventuală scădere a nivelului de influenţă şi prezenţă americană în zonă. Şi sunt destul de puţine state care să poată da asemenea garanţii şi care să fie şi acceptate, fie şi provizoriu, de lumea musulmană.

În fine, ultima întrebare este dacă Preşedintele Erdogan va inspira atât de multă încrede încât să fie acceptat ca lider al acestei prime etape a revoltei, fie singur, fie alături de Rusia şi Iran, noua tripletă de securitate care încearcă acum să facă jocurile în Orientul Apropiat. Răspunsul nu este deloc uşor, iarăşi depinde de cât de multe pârghii au mai rămas în mâna americanilor, cum le vor acţiona şi cât de rapid. Pentru că pârghii importante, spre exemplu, folosesc acum ruşii (spre exemplu, contracte strategice cu mai vechiul prieten al URSS şi lumii comuniste care a fost Egiptul) dar şi ţări cu tradiţie în relaţii cu zona respectivă, adică Franţa, Marea Britanie, Germania, Italia... întâmplător sau nu, toate transmiţând acum un discurs dur de condamnare a deciziei lui Trump privind Ierusalimul.

Erdogan a deschis marele joc de recuperare a simpatiilor lumii musulmane. Ce vor face americanii? Pacea regiunii şi a lumii poate depinde de înţelepciunea viitoarelor lor decizii.

Final Communiqué Of The Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference  To Consider the Situation in Wake of US Administration’s Recognition of the City Of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as the So-Called Capital of Israel, The Occupying Power, and Transfer of the Us Embassy to Al-Quds We, the Kings and Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), gathering at the 6th Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, on 25 Rabi' Awwal 1439 AH – 13 December 2017 CE upon the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey, HE Mr.  Recep Tayyip Erdogan the Chair of the Islamic Summit to review the developments that resulted from the decision by the President of the United States of America of his illegal recognition of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as the so-called capital of Israel, the occupying Power, and the implications of this decision on the Muslim Ummah; Having reviewed the alarming situation and growing tensions within the occupied territory of the State of Palestine in most Member States and elsewhere, Expressing our profound appreciation to His Excellency President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for taking the lead on an issue of such importance for the Ummah and hosting this Summit, Commending the convening of the Extraordinary Council of Foreign Ministers upon the invitation of Jordan on 13 December 2017 in Istanbul and welcoming the Resolution it adopted; Proceeding from responsibility placed on the Muslim Ummah in full solidarity with Palestine,  Reject and condemn in the strongest terms the unilateral decision by the President of the United States America recognizing Al-Quds as the so-called capital of Israel, the occupying Power; reject it as null and void legally, and consider it an attack on the historical, legal, natural and national rights of the Palestinian people, a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts, an impetus to of extremism and terrorism, and a threat to international peace and securityand call upon all member states to give high priority for the Palestinian question in their daily discourses and foreign policy agenda, especially in their dealing with counterparts in other parts of the world. Reaffirm the centrality of the Cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Ash-Sharif to the Muslim Ummah; renew our principled support for the Palestinian people in their pursuit to attain their inalienable national rights, including their right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the borders of 4 June 1967, with Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as its capital; assert the status of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif in the hearts and minds of the Muslim and Christian peoples throughout the world because it has the first of the two qiblas, the third holy mosque, where Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, started his Mi'raj (Ascension to Heaven), and the birthplace of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him; and resolve to confront any steps that would affect the historical, legal, religious or status of the or political City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif; Reaffirm our attachment to the just and comprehensive -peace based on the two-state solution with east Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and consistent with internationally-recognized terms of reference and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Extraordinary Islamic Summit Conference in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in 2005- as a strategic choice; and call on the international community to act in an effective and serious manner to achieve this solution. Reaffirm our adherence to all resolutions adopted by the regular and extraordinary sessions of the Islamic Summit on the Cause of Palestine and the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, in particular the Extraordinary Summit in Jakarta, including the affirmation that a comprehensive and just peace will be achieved only by ending the occupation and establishing the independent State of Palestine that has full sovereignty on the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as its eternal capital; Consider that this dangerous declaration, which aims to change the legal status of the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, is null and void and lacks any legitimacy, as being a serious violation of the international law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention in particular, and all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly the UN Security Council resolutions No. 478 (1980) and 2334 (2016), the foundations of the peace process that stipulate that City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as a final status issue, the agreements signed and the undertakings made in this regard by the United States of America, which requires the immediate reversal of this decision; Hold the US Administration fully liable for all the consequences of not retracting from this illegal decision; and regard it as an announcement of the US Administration's withdrawal from its role as sponsor of peace and its realization among all stakeholders and an encouragement of Israel, the occupying Power, to continue its policy of colonialism, settlement, apartheid and the ethnic cleansing it has been practicing in the occupied Palestinian territory in 1967, and in the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif at its core; Thank regional institutions for their positive stand in favor of the State of Palestine and the status of Al-Quds; and mandate the General Secretariat to mobilize support for the cause of Palestine from all regional organizations Declare East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and invite all countries to recognize the State of Palestine and East Jerusalem as its occupied capital. Assert our continued commitment to protecting the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, its historic status, its cultural mission, and its legal status, and to take all necessary measures to put an end to the violations committed by the brutal Israeli occupation and any party that supports this occupation and its colonial and racist policies; and condemn in this regard the full and unjustified bias of the US Congress in favor of the imperial and racist policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power; Welcome the international consensus rejecting the declaration of the US Administration, which violates all resolutions of international legitimacy, because of its serious repercussions on the security and stability in the region and the world; and regard this international consensus as a message of strong support for the rights of the Palestinian people and their just Cause and right to their land, notably the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif; Support all legal and political steps at the national and international levels, which contribute to preserving the historical and legal status of the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif; and support the State of Palestine in its efforts in all international forums to consolidate its sovereignty over      Al-Quds Ash-Sharif and the occupied Palestinian territory in general; Call upon all States to continue to fully implement UNSCR 478 of 1980 and in this regard urge all States to a); refrain from supporting the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the so-called capital of Israel and b); not to relocate their Diplomatic Missions to Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, Call on the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities immediately and reaffirm the legal status of the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, and to end the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, to ensure the international protection of the Palestinian people, and to implement and respect all its resolutions on the Palestinian Cause; Affirm its readiness to take up this grave violation in the UN General Assembly should the UN Security Council fail to act in accordance with the UN General Assembly resolution no.377A; the “Uniting for Peace resolution”;  Stand for the Cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as the main issue in international forums, including Member States' voting in favor of the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, the UNESCO and other international organizations and expressing their rejection of any action contrary to this principled position, and any member state taking a different stance shall be considered to have left Islamic unanimity and should therefore be held accountable  Urge strongly all member states to support Bayt Mal Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, the executive arm of Al-Quds Committee chaired by His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, in order to help the steadfastness of the inhabitants of Al-Quds; Express unequivocal support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people and our condemnation of the Israeli attacks on the peaceful protests of the Palestinian people against the illegal declaration of the US Administration and our full solidarity with the Palestinian people in these difficult circumstances, which require Member States and all peace-loving forces to take urgent action to avoid taking any similar steps and to respond to the imperialist and racist procedures by Israel, the occupying Power, towards the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif; Also affirm commitment to provide the necessary material resources to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian people within the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly in the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, who continue to protect the historic, civilizational and legal identity of the Holy City; Strongly urges all Member States, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations in the Member States to increase their contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) so as to ease the ongoing financial crises, exacerbated by the current humanitarian situation on the ground, and to support the Agency’s valuable work in assisting the Palestine refugees. Calls upon the Member States and relevant OIC bodies to continue to provide all forms of economic, social, technical and material support and assistance to the Palestinian people and the State of Palestine including promotion and facilitation of trade with Palestine, developing capacity building programs and enhancing financial and economic assistance to build up a strong and independent Palestinian national economy and to strengthen the economic and social development of Palestine, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, as its capital. Call upon the OIC Executive Committee and its Bureau and the Ministerial Contact Group on Al-Quds to act expeditiously and communicate with the governments of world countries and international organizations to raise their awareness of the seriousness of this step and the actions of Muslim countries in this regard and to act preemptively concerning any negative consequences of the declaration of the US Administration; Requests IDB to support economic and social development endeavors in Quds Al-Sharif and other occupied territories through the “Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development” by prioritizing Palestine’s projects and formulating special and flexible mechanisms and procedures for them. Assert the need to continue to follow developments in this regard and to take the necessary action accordingly.

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